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Cassette Works

Cassette Works' PLAYBACK Newsletter • Page 3


THE CASSETTE WORKS guarantee makes for good reading. That's because our guarantee fully covers our product. All of the cassettes we duplicate are unconditionally guaranteed to be free from defects in workmanship. We stand behind every cassette we make.

We have a zero-defect quality control system to support this commitment to you. Manufacturing is heavily monitored and controlled, in part by sophisticated computer technology, and also by personal inspection at various stages of completion.


poly in cage
A cage for your parrot A soft plastic case to protect a single audio or video cassette. Great for use in mailings.

J-Card A Comedian named Jay The folded cardboard insert found with most music cassettes, that describes the cassette and its contents. It is placed with the cassette inside a hard plastic box — called a norelco box.

muscle man

HX Pro
Protein drink for a
body builder
Dolby HX Pro is not a noise reduction system; its function is to improve the performance of the tape, particularly on the higher frequencies. Tapes recorded with HX Pro can be played back on any cassette deck.

Pinch Rollers roller skater

Thief on Skates
The pinch roller on your tape deck is a rubber roller which engages the capstan, to pull the tape across the tape heads at a constant speed. It is important to keep this roller clean to prevent slippage and tape jamming.

Labels Your teenager's vocabulary Method of identifying cassettes by printing information on self-adhesive paper.

flat cat
What you almost did to that cat on the freeway Used instead of labels, it involves printing the identifying information directly onto the cassette shell.

Frequency Response What to check for in
your teenager
A measurement of the range of frequencies a tape is capable of reproducing, such as 20 to 20,000 Hz.

color bars
Color Bars
What you see after spending too much
time in one
The television industry's standard reference for calibrating levels and phasing of original recordings. Color bars are generated electronically and accompanied by a 1KHz audio reference tone.

meterC-0 Lowest rating on the
Nerd scale
The plastic housing that the audio cassette tape is loaded into. Invented by the Phillips Corporation. An empty video cassette shell is called a V-0.

Shrinkwrap A new
weight loss scheme
A clear plastic film that shrinks tightly around a product when heated, to protect and seal it.

Noise Reduction Teacher entering the classroom An electronic method of reducing unwanted tape noise or hiss. Dolby B is the most common type used.

Turnover Statementpastry A pastry that speaks
for itself
Put at the end of side A of an audio cassette to tell the listener when to begin listening to the other side, side B.

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The Cassette Works logo, the Sitting and Static Rabbits and "Masters of Duplication" are all trademarks of Cassette Works.
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